a paper on social media marketing

In the second year of my undergrad I was tasked with writing a research paper for an English course. I was just starting to get into internet marketing so I chose to write a paper on social media marketing (SMM). Below is the opening paragraph from the research proposal I wrote:

In recent years, social media has become ubiquitous and important for social networking and content sharing. As a result, new possibilities have emerged for companies to create and maintain customer relations. In addition to already established companies, those wishing to start a business will look towards social media in order to collect a base of potential customers. Many users of social media, however, would rather not see the platforms become commercialized and full of advertising. In this essay, I explore the current state of marketing on social media sites and attempt to predict how social media marketing (SMM) will change the field of marketing.

Read the paper here.


  • Evan James Martin